Golden Laced Wyandottes

When I laid eyes on this beautiful breed I just had to get some. We are looking at a full house, or should I say barn, so this is the last batch of babies we are getting - untill next year!

About the Breed 

Two very sweet little girls. They have grown so fast.

Origin: Wisconsin
Cocks - 8.5 pounds
Hens - About 6.5 pounds 
Recognized colors: golden laced, silver laced, white, blackey, buff, columbian, partridge and silver penciled
General Appearance: Mostly black feathers that are golden laced, black tail, red rose comb, earlobes, and wattles
Egg Production: 180 - 260 brown eggs per year.
Breeding: Excellent mothers

History: Accepted by the American Standard of Perfection in 1888 just 8 years after they came about in Wisconsin. They are named after Native Americans called the Wyandottes. The original Wyandotte was Silver Laced.
For more information refer to: Wyandotte Breeder webpage

May 8th:

Brand new babies! We got them from a local feed store. I am a little nervous to see how it goes. They are also "straight run" so they might not be girls at all!
Little Feet

Testing her wings

Golden laced wings


Golden Laced Wyandotte "A"

Golden Laced Wyandotte "A"
"A" is much lighter than "B". Interesting...
Golden Laced Wyandotte "B"

 June 3rd:

They are looking a lot more alike these day. We still haven't named them as we aren't sure they are girls. 

GLW "A" Headshot
Look closely at "A" and "B"s headshots and you can see they aren't exactly the same.
GLW "A" Wing feathers


GLW "B" Headshot

GLW "B" Feet

GLW "B" Wing Feathers

August 9th Wynona



August 28th

Wynona - The Hen

Mithril - the Roo

You can see the wyandottes love to jump around and play. Our other hens don't really join in on their games.

Please share your Wyandotte photos and stories!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! I appreciated this post. We got a mix of rare and brown layer birds at the farm store and I’m trying to figure out breed and gender. (Supposedly female, but you know how that goes). Anyways ours looks very similar to your except it’s pattern isn’t as strong but it’s only three weeks. Can’t figure out how to share a picture on here. Sorry
