Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter from our Easter Eggers!

Our First Easter - 2014

The hens are doing great. Here you can see four of our Easter Eggers (Spider, Helen, Seraphina and Ayden) and one Buff Orpington.

We put up a board for them to perch on and hid tons of fun treats for them to try out. We also found that the Easter Bunny had left us some surprises! Not only did our Easter Egg hunt reach all the way to the barn but we also found some new friends!


We got two male Flemish Giants to room with our chickens. They are super sweet and Caleb has named them "Alhe" and "Rombi". They are very friendly and curious. They follow around our hens and sniff them while the hens run away! Then when the bunnies aren't looking the hens creep up to investigate. Too cute! Talk about a happy Easter.

Baby Wyandottes

The babies are doing great. We haven't noticed any poopy butt. They are getting some real feathers in now. We took one of the chicks out to explore and capture some adorable Easter photos.


Baird and Nemo are my two Labradors. They have decided that they are part of the hen care routine. They follow us down to the barn and watch everything we do. Baird likes to hang back and keep guard. He is a little nervous about the chickens. Nemo is more hands in - or paws in I guess. He likes to help round up the hens and check that each hen is still in fact a hen. We will see how they get a long with the bunnies!

More Bunny Pictures

Because you can never have enough bunny pictures on Easter....

Happy Easter from all of us!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Update 4/13/14 - 7 Weeks Old!

Seven Weeks

Tomorrow they are seven weeks old. They've really accepted their new place as home. Now they explore the entire inside enclosure. They've got tons of space and obstacles to climb on. They gotten used to the freedom and aren't as eager to come to our hands. I spent a lot of time chasing them around!

Leg bands

Our plastic leg bands arrived. We have five colors - white, yellow, green, pink and purple. They are hard plastic and you slide one end into the other to lock them on. We put one of each color onto each Buff Orpington so we will be able to tell them apart better. Bromley is wearing the pink one. We put one of each color on the Leghorns and then put two bands on the 6th Leghorn. We soon found out that the smallest Leghorn with the green band is too small for the bands and it fell off. For now she will be bandless. For the Easter Eggers, since we can tell them apart so easily, we put white bands of them and I am planning to write their names on them. We figured they should have bands too.


This week I gave them a little spray millet from my hand each time we went down to check on them. I'm trying to reinforce the super friendly hand fed chick behavior they were showing previously that they kinda lost over the last week. Moving outside has given them a little more spunk and a little less dependency on us. They still go crazy for our hands when they know food is involved. They are able to swallow the balls of spray millet whole now. They have grown so much! I've noticed they peck a lot harder now too. We bought them a little planter of wheat grass and they devoured it. I wasn't sure how much they would like it but they ate it all up! We gave them a dandelion - the whole plant and roots and they really enjoyed that. I gave them a whole pot of vegetables and they spread them all over their enclosure and then eventually ate them all  up. We even caught some live worm and slugs from around the yard and watched them go crazy for those. I am having a lot of fun introducing them to new treats.


After banding our chicks I decided to check the Leghorns for the one with the enlarged tummy - Petrie. Being marked with her own color would help us check her stomach each time we checked on the chickens and monitor any changes. When I flipped them each over to check which one was Petrie I couldn't figure it out. We checked all six Leghorns and determined that it is most likely the purple banded one. She has the lowest and largest tummy but really doesn't seem abnormal anymore. It was a great feeling to see that the tummy has turned out normal!


The feeder we made is working great. We have it hanging off the ground and the chicks climb up on it and enjoy the set up. The waterer however does not work as planned. It isn't weighted right so we have to keep it sitting on something and the drinking area will overflow if too much water is put in. For now it is working fine to hold water but we will need to remake it if we want the low maintenance of a gravity flow waterer that hold a lot of water. Being on the ground mean it gets really dirty really fast. When we make a new waterer we will use the current one for food too and the new waterer will be able to hang of the ground to keep poop and shaving out of it.

New Babies

Our two new babies are doing great. They are down in the barn with the 7 week olds. They are now over a week old. They are in a small enclosure up on a table with a heat lamp and a mesh cover so that the bigger chicks can't pick on them. We have let them down to meet the older girls and some of them are really interested in the babies and will peck at them. Until they get bigger we don't really trust them alone together. The chicks do just fine with being pecked at and just kind of move away but we don't know how far the older girls would go if we weren't there to shoo them away. The babies are soooo little! They are eating and drinking fine. We have decided to name them Winona and Andromeda. They have been so easy breezy compared to the big batch. So far we haven't noticed any poopy butt!

Progress Pages:


Buff Orpingtons
Brown Leghorns 

Silver Laced Wyandottes


Sunday, April 6, 2014

Update (4/5/14) - 6 Weeks Old

Week 6 updates

It's been a busy couple weeks. We've moved the chickens out of the house, added 2 more chicks, and built a safe enclosure for them to live in in a garage. We are glad to let you know that all chicks are still healthy and growing rapidly. 

New place

We secured their new place inside of a barn with wood, fence, bird netting, and more than our fair share of zip ties. It's been a long couple weeks making sure everything is set up and safe for them. We brought down the heat lamp to ease the transition and made a suspended waterer and feeder to make maintenance easier on us. For now we are keeping them on the ground to get them used to it. 

New threats

Suddenly we realized that putting our chicks outside is scary! What about rats? We are looking at getting a rooster to protect the hens from a potential rat issue in the garage. We put down roofing over most surfaces and are looking at putting rat traps in but so far it hasn't been an issue. We are slightly less afraid of other predators for now until we open up the outside area.

New chicks

We picked up 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes from the local feed store and are getting 2 more Golden Laced Wyandottes to add to our flock. 

New treats

We have started buying the biggest (and most disgusting) mealworms/worms we can find and they are absolutely going crazy for them. We added a scratch block that hasn't been given much attention. We're sure they'll enjoy it once they figure out it's food though.

Progress Pages:


Buff Orpingtons
Brown Leghorns 

Silver Laced Wyandottes