Easter Eggers

Easter Eggers are not actually a breed of chicken but any mixed breed that produces the blue egg gene that they get from pure bred Ameraucanas or Araucanas.

They are called Easter Eggers because they lay a variety of different colors. They are not recognized by the American Poultry Association and do not have a true standard. This explains why all out Easter Eggers are a bit different.
Because they are mix bred, it will be impossible to tell exactly what our Easter Eggers will be like but we can assume they will be very similar to the Ameraucanas.

If you would like to learn more about Ameraucanas and how the differ from our Easter Eggers you should visit this great Ameraucana website.

About Easter Eggers

Each one is a bit different. We have five - Seraphina, Helen, Spider, Meeko and Ayden.

Origin: mixed breed
Size: any weight is acceptable
Recognized colors: can be any color and often have unique patterns
General Appearance: anything goes - they often resemble Ameraucanas and have the ear muffs (ours do!)
Egg Production: Blue egg layers - will lay different colored eggs

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